Welcome to, a website for people looking for walking routes on Deeside in Scotland, in partnership with

At present there are 13 walks to choose from, from around Ballater and Loch Kinord - and with more walks added regularly.


Walkable from Ballater village centre, steep, muddy in places but great views. 

Starting point: South side of the Bridge of Ballater, 300 metres from Ballater village centre 
Distance:  short (1.7 miles / 2.7km)
Climb: very steep in places, 197metres
Difficulty: hard
Underfoot: Landrover track, footpath, muddy in places, uneven in places
Estimated time to complete: 1.5 hours
Scenic value: 9/10
Overall rating: 7/10 

View Pannanich (Craig Coillich) in a larger map

Comments:  The antenna on top of what is widely known as "Pannanich Hill" is visible from almost anywhere in Ballater so it's natural to wonder what the view is like from up there. Well, it's great, and although it may not be apparent from the village there is a spot where you can see down the valley without the view being obstructed by trees. There is a wide Landrover track all the way up, the only difficulties may be that it is rough underfoot and parts of it are very steep. I've included a couple of detours to visit. 

There's one thing I had better tell you though before you set out - the summit with the antennae on top is not actually Pannanich, but "Craig Coillich", a peak of 397m. Pannanich extends all the way to the bare peaks behind it which reach a peak of 601m, also called the Coire of Corn Arn - but that's another walk. 

On this map take the branch marked by the green traffic-light first. At the end of the walk you'll come back by the path with the red traffic light. The route I've included takes you down Pannanich by a different route but if you can prefer you can just retrace your steps which is slightly quicker and shorter. 


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  2. This walk starts directly across the road from the south-side of the Bridge of Ballater. A path forks left and right up the hill opposite (pictured). You could take either fork but the one on the left is a bit rocky underfoot so take the left fork. gold bracelet wholesale uk , mens wedding rings canada

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